New fresh look, same great taste!

If anything cool is happening on the site and it's from the fingers of Schwim, you'll find it here.
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New fresh look, same great taste!

The new design has been activated in the forum, so things should look pretty different to you at first glance. The function should be the same, however. The front page is still being tweaked a bit(since it's a custom addon and not part of the forum itself) and should be in place by the end of the night.

This change was made so the site would work great, regardless of whether you're viewing the site on your phone or desktop computer.

I also sometimes go too far when trying to hide confusing elements of a forum system, making it as simple and straightforward as I can so if there's a forum feature that you're having problems finding, let me know and I'll see if I can't get it back in the line of sight for you.

This look has been tested by a total of one users so please be sure to share any issues or oddities you come across.

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Re: New fresh look, same great taste!

Front page is live. I've also updated the youtube and image embed functions to work across all screens as well. Let me know if you find any issues.
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