the never ending project. 71 super build

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Re: the never ending project. 71 super build

well it resembles an engine again. got the other head on. got the fan shroud, generator, intake manifold and carb on. and that's when things took a turn for the worse. the adapters i use on the engine stand broke. so now the engine is on a furniture dolly on the floor. managed to not drop the engine on the floor, but the build is now going to kill my back until i can reinvent the wheel and get it back on the stand. i have ideas, we'll see what happens. progress has been made.

and lets see what everyone's .02 cents is on this. when i took the clutch off it was covered in a fine layer of oil. i wondered why the damn thing slipped so bad and now i know. but idk where the hell the oil came from. rear seal should be good, i put a fresh seal in it when i slapped the engine together about 8 years ago and its slipped sense day one.
any ideas on why the clutch is covered in oil?
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Re: the never ending project. 71 super build

It seems the project is gaining some momentum again. That's great!

Regarding the oil-fouled clutch there are a few possible malefactors IMHO:

- leaky engine oil seal or camshaft sealing cap

- leaky transmission oil seal

-over greased throw out bearing / trow out mechanism

- over greased starter motor drive gear

Hope this helps to soften the frown... :)
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Re: the never ending project. 71 super build

Maddel thought of the lion's share of them but I've also seen a cracked case cause oil in the bellhousing space.
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Re: the never ending project. 71 super build

the trans seal makes sense. its probably original. the car has gone without engine for long periods of time and it's been exposed and may have dried out or something. ill have to inspect that before putting the engine in.

iv thought about a crack in the case before. it leaks pretty good, but only after it's been driven. you have to get the engine up to temp and get the oil flowing. drive 5 miles to work and it'll leak several drops the size of nickles or bigger. let it sit for a week and it might have a drop the size of a dime under it.

i looked at it again this morning and just the inside of the clutch is oily. the outside of the flywheel is dry, the outside of the clutch is dry
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Re: the never ending project. 71 super build

Super_Randy wrote:iv thought about a crack in the case before. it leaks pretty good, but only after it's been driven. you have to get the engine up to temp and get the oil flowing. drive 5 miles to work and it'll leak several drops the size of nickles or bigger. let it sit for a week and it might have a drop the size of a dime under it...
You're talking about engine oil here I guess - you may have a leaky transmission plus a leaky crankcase.
To shed some light on the matter it may be a good idea to bite the bullet and remove the flywheel (inspect that O-ring too) as well as the throw out bearing to check the crankcase and the transmission for leaks.
Super_Randy wrote:i looked at it again this morning and just the inside of the clutch is oily. the outside of the flywheel is dry, the outside of the clutch is dry
Hmmm... A few keywords: over greased gland nut needle bearing , faulty or missing flywheel O-ring, transmission seal.
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Re: the never ending project. 71 super build

thinking about it, the o-ring bay be shot. i don't remember replacing it...

in past news, pic's of what iv got done
first the broken engine stand addapters

and then the engine
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Re: the never ending project. 71 super build

Getting ready to drop it in?
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Re: the never ending project. 71 super build

it needs a few more things, but its close
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Re: the never ending project. 71 super build

ok, in the moving in the right direction category, my dad made me some new adapters, this time out of 1/4" in steel (old ones were 1/4" aluminum. that's 6.35mm for you metric users). i think the bolts will snap before these things do. so it's going back on the stand this weekend.

it has also occurred to me that the gas in the tank (i don't even remember how much) has to be bad at this point. the tires don't hold air, and the battery is dead. the battery ill throw on the charger tomorrow, it should still be good. its been dead for less than a year and it was a new battery. tires... no idea. guess ill have to buy new ones and have them mounted and balanced.
and the gates broken so no matter what its stuck in the backyard.
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Re: the never ending project. 71 super build

Unless it's non-ethenol, a year will turn it to goop. I've gotten batteries sitting for more than a year to take a charge, so fingers crossed you're good on that front.
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