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Car Show Pic's
Posted: August 25th, 2019, 2:42 pm
by Super_Randy
i went to a car show this morning. enjoy
Posted: August 25th, 2019, 4:14 pm
by schwim
Ok, first, your state hogs all the amazing cars. Stop it.
Second, wut?
Third, wow!
And finally, did you win this truck?
Posted: August 25th, 2019, 5:04 pm
by Super_Randy
first. no. we need those cars to compensate for our shitty government, failing schools, and decaying society. those cars are the last bit of sanity we have. its as if nature knew we would screw it up somehow, so to compensate it kept the cars from rusting.
second. it's a Crosley station wagon. not familiar with them. but it was pretty cool. smaller than a bug
third. not totally my taste, but yes, totally bad ass
and finally. didn't enter to win, and the drawing is December 14th so no i didn't win that truck. frankly id be paranoid to drive it anyway as i think it was airbrushed, not wrapped
Re: Car Show Pic's
Posted: February 21st, 2020, 7:34 pm
by phyhowe
Crosley was I believe a British motor company, I ran into a reference on a MG 1100 I had years ago that was a little bigger than the Austin mini but had the same front wheel drive. That the engine was a Ford Crosley tractor motor.